Funky Warehouse Conversion in Melbourne's North

Funky Warehouse Conversion in Melbourne's North

Solavis was approached to help the project managers of a warehouse conversion in Coburg North to solve their thermal insulation problems relating to the conversion of an old Mechanics workshop into a comfortable office space for their client. 

The building was a funky shell with lots of potential, but lots of work was required to get the space into a state that was comfortable and viable to heat & cool without having to pay excessive amounts in utility bills. 

In particular, the existing sawtooth ceiling was totally uninsulated and the quotes that our builder had received to insulated and line with plasterboard were astronomical. There was difficulty in the lack of access due to the roof trusses & the height of the ceiling. 

After approaching Solavis, we suggested replacing the plasterboard lining with our RadiantShield product. The benefits would be huge:

  • Faster Installation, requiring only two tradies, no prepping and no painting. 
  • Save on painting of plasterboard, due to the clean aesthetic finish of Radianshield
  • Superior thermal properties by reflecting heat out in summer and keep heat in during winter
  • Saving on lighting costs as the foil surface also helps to bounce light around the building. 

Overall, the cost of insulating the roof with Radiantshield was less than half of the cost of the second cheapest option they quoted up for. And with a turnaround of less than a week was also significantly less than any other option.

Here are some 'in progress' photos: 


And the finished product. The client has now been in the renovated building for nearly a full season (including a Melbourne Winter!) with positive results and happy staff. 

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